You can tell us in several ways;
1. TAKE the online SURVEY NOW! It could take you as little as 5 mins - depending on how much you have to tell us!

2. Come and TELL US at the focus group at Freespace THIS WEDNESDAY
3. CREATE a postcard at FC that tells us about your views on the Mental Health of Children & Young people!
4. Work together to CREATE a PSA film and/or a promotional Tshirt to get our message about the mental health of Children and Young people across to the Commissioner at FC drop-in sessions NEXT WEEK (Wed 20th 5-8pm, Thurs 21st 5-8pm for ATSI Qspace, Fri 22nd 22nd 4-8pm, Sat 23rd 12-5pm for FC Open Day)
We want to hear what you've got to say so we can tell the Commissioner!
The online survey closes 9am Tues 26th Oct so tell us NOW for your chance to win the iTunes voucher! :)
See you all at FC soon!!
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