Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Hear what the FC crew think!

We're writing 2 articles for the StyleAID 2008 magazine, so we thought we'd do 1 about the people at FC! We got the visitors, volunteers and staff to answer a few questions and here's what some of us had to say;

~Tell us about yourself;
I am a 16 year old homosexual who is only ‘out'; to 3 people outside of Freedom Centre. Extremely looking forward to next year when I’m no longer in school and can come out.
~Why is Freedom Centre important to you?
Because it’s pretty much the only social life I have. It allows me to be myself, meet new people and gives me something to look forward to each week.
~What does ‘freedom’ mean to you?
To not feel pressurized by others to be someone who I’m not.
~What would you spend funds for FC on?
Bigger kitchen and a more practical location.

~Tell us about yourself;
I consider myself a liberated gay man. I’m a regular visitor to FC. Much of my enthusiasm for the centre comes from its composition of people: who I love completely!
~Why is Freedom Centre important to you?
It’s a very large, marginalising world that we live in. FC allows for us to come together to just be ourselves, without fearing judgement or prejudice.
~What does ‘freedom’ mean to you?
Liberation, breaking from the norm, being myself, allowing others to be themselves, and ultimately being at the Freedom Centre.
~What would you spend funds for FC on?
A more accessible location, to encourage attendance from closeted people… and a kitchen

~Tell us about yourself;
I am a young gay man and I have been visiting Freedom Centre for a few years, and now volunteering and I have enjoyed every minute of it. I wouldn’t be here without FC.
~Why is Freedom Centre important to you?
It’s important for young people on their emotional journey to have a guide throughout adolescence and if they have feelings that require help that schools can’t provide it’s good to know that Freedom Centre is available.
~What does ‘freedom’ mean to you?
Freedom means to me, that you don’t need/have someone shouting at you telling you how to live your life.
~What would you spend funds for FC on?
Resources and stuff to advertise FC a bit more.

Stay tuned for more of what the FC Crew said in coming weeks!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Freedom Centre at the StyleAID Photography Exhibition Launch!

Tonight was the night that the Freedom Centre Documentary was screened at the StyleAID Photography Exhibition Launch!

We started the evening at Turner Galleries where we saw the Exhibition and FC Documentary, then we moved on to see the Freedom Centre (conveniently across the road!) in all its glory with the new furniture, freshly hung art works from FC's 2006 Emerge Art Project, and shiny new pride curtains, hanging in front of the new storage shelving area!

Here are some pics from the event!!

Nadine Toussaint, Dani Wright, Meredith Turnbull & Chloe Britton - 4 generations of Freedom Centre Coordinators!