The Human Rights Commission wants to know why we need federal laws that protect us from discrimination based on our sexuality, sex and/or gender. Make a comment on their website (go to www.humanrights.gov.au/human_rights/lgbti/lgbticonsult/index.html for details first) before Friday night to TELL THEM YOUR EXPERIENCES OF DISCRIMINATION because of your sexuality, sex and/or gender and answer the other questions they're asking in the consultation.
Some of the questions you can answer in your comment are;
1. What benefit would there be in federal anti-discrimination laws prohibiting discrimination on the basis of sexuality, sex and/or gender?
2. What benefit would there be in federal law prohibiting vilification and harassment on the basis of sexuality, sex and/or gender?
3. Can you provide examples of situations where federal protections from discrimination on the basis of sexuality, sex and/or gender are needed because state and territory laws don't provide adequate protections?
4. Have you experienced discrimination because of your sexuality, sex and/or gender for which there is no legal protection?
5. Have you experienced vilification or harassment because of your sexuality, sex and/or gender for which there is no legal protection?
This is YOUR CHANCE TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE and help stop discrimination in Australia!
Click here for full details and here to make a comment NOW