At this retreat we made our own food by going down to the local shops to buy our own ingredients. We managed to make a lot of different meals ranging from Vegetarian skewers, non-Vegetarian skewers, h'dourves, Turkish bread, multiple salads, and a stir-fry.
Here are a few pics from the first ever FC Retreat @ 93 Brisbane St in January 2010!
Freedom Centre (FC) is a peer support & information service in Perth, Western Australia, for young people who are gay, lesbian, bi, trans*, intersex, queer, or questioning their sexuality or gender (GLBTIQQ).
FC blog is a safe space for you to comment, ask questions, share your stories and hear what we are up to down at the Centre.
FC provides a safe social space for GLBTIQQ young people (under 26) to drop-in, hang out and feel the freedom to be themselves. Check the FC website for our drop-in session open times!
FC is run by young people for young people. We offer a safe & respectful social space, peer support and information for young people (under 26) who are gay, lesbian, bi, trans*, intersex, queer or questioning their sexuality or gender.
Peer support is where people get support from other people who share similar experiences, and this approach for supporting the health & diversity of young people's sexuality and gender makes us a one-of-a-kind service!
For more info go to